
Is your company iOS 5 ready?

Author: Alex Papanastassiou

Is your company ready to pluck the benefits from Apple’s new iOS 5?

In a surprise move on August 8, Apple provided the fifth beta test version of its upcoming iOS 5 operating system for developers. And the Cupertino club hints at the imminent arrival of the official finished iOS 5 for end-users of iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.

This launch is not a minor one, with up to 200 new features. Amongst the new possibilities, there are a Notification Center, iMessage, Newsstand and Twitter Integration.

So there is no time to loose. And Emakina is gearing up for the new Apple season. Its teams assist a range of clients to be ready for IOS 5 and to pluck the new fruit when it’s ripe.

How proactive is your IT when it comes to the new media apps? And is your company ready to roll with IOS 5?

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