
Orchestrate your marketing campaigns, your competitors are already doing it

Author: José Luis Santos

More than 70% of the companies are currently (or in the process of) using a Multichannel Campaign Management tool according to Gartner. Taking advantage of the functionality of these tools is a must for every marketing team.

Adobe Campaign Standard is a very strong contender for other services such as Marketo and Pardot (Salesforce). Do not misunderstand such statement, all of them are very powerful tools and the reason why we support them at Emakina Group.

Whatever tool you choose, our advice is always the same:

“Every technical decision you take must be aligned with your business goals/KPIs, digital strategy and roadmap”

– José Luis Santos

But, what are the main motivations for customers to go for a MCCM tool?

According to our customers, the main motivation is to have a central point where managing their campaigns. Among others, we can highlight the following benefits:

  1. it is easier to provide a consistent image of the brand as you have your email templates centralised in one place;
  2. you have a clear overview of your programs and campaigns;
  3. you have also a clear view on all the communication touchpoints with your customer as you can also define transactional messages such as order confirmation or password resetting.

Such benefits translate into:

  1. higher engagement rates;
  2. optimisation of business processes;
  3. cost reduction.

But, why do we believe in Adobe Campaign Standard to support Multichannel Campaign Management?

First, it has a user-friendly editing tool to create content. Following a WYSIWYG approach, marketers and content creators can quickly create the emails and landing pages.

Personalisation is an important aspect when we discuss about content generation. As discussed in my previous blogpost, personalisation can increase engagement and reduce bounce rates considerably.

Users can also set up easily A/B or A/B/C testing experiments. You can easily set up two or three examples, evaluate it with a sample of your targeted population, (automatically) decide a winner, and send the most successful email to the rest of your population.

Advanced users can also connect with Dreamweaver to create and develop responsive content. This actually helps to provide a consistent brand picture across channels. To this end, if you are also using Adobe Assets, you can also reuse assets.

You can check more here for other integrations.

Secondly, Adobe recommends the following hierarchy: Program > Sub-programs > Campaigns > Workflows > Deliveries . This hierarchy will allow you to have a clear view of all your marketing automated actions. Reports can be built aggregating data of the deliveries and showing performance at the level of program and campaign.

Thirdly, the power that Campaign Standard has to integrate with other systems. Workflows enable users to set up data transformation processes to add new profiles or new transactions. Via FTP or SFTP, Campaign can connect to third-party servers, download a file, transform the format and store the data in the data store.

Adobe Campaign Standard has a very powerful system to build APIs without any coding knowledge. Thus, our clients can easily integrate with their customer registration flow in their DXP of choice and send the customer a registration confirmation email. Moreover, if you opt for the integration with Adobe Analytics, you can also set up triggers to send reminders to your customer. For example, if the customer leaves the website but the customer previously added a product to the cart, an event can be triggered and send a reminder email to the customer.

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