CREA DIGITAL DAY breaks new ground with digital
Every year, Emakina is a key partner of CREA DIGITAL DAY, which features a wide range of digital trends that are rapidly changing our lives.
On January 15, 2015 more than 350 people from diverse sectors such as marketing and communications, company CEOs, and media participated in the one-day conference.
CREA School organized the event in partnership with Emakina, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes and Bilan magazine.
Arnaud Grobet, managing partner of Emakina and member of the CREA DIGITAL DAY organization committee participated in the planning of an impressive array of noteworthy speakers.
Digital in real life
Emakina put the spotlight on Phygital (the way that bridges the digital with the physical world) with an eye opening conference by Michaël Totta, Head of Applications at Emakina.
He spoke of a world where virtual reveals itself within the actual and where content is accessible everywhere. It’s the Internet of things, with smart connected objects, virtual and augmented reality, multi-touch sensors and controllers that can be used anywhere.
Emakina also had a stand at the CREA DIGITAL DAY where they presented a wide range of applications and experiences with Oculus, a virtual reality head-mounted display, Bracelet Myo, a gesture controlled armband, iPad battle game and also the Sharing Box photo booth that takes instant pictures and shares them online within seconds. To watch all the Sharing Box pictures click here.
A connected and powerful recruiting tool
Valérie Blasco, Head of Global Acquisition at Geneva’s SGS, showed how LinkedIn, the most important social media network for professionals, helped SGS to recruit.
Sharing the podium with Ms Blasco, Fabrice Offret, Account Director of LinkedIn, discussed LinkedIn marketing solutions.
Emakina is LinkedIn’s key partner for French-speaking Switzerland. LinkedIn counts more than 330 million members worldwide (one million in Switzerland).
All about digital from top speakers
Tracy Yaverbaum, Instagram’s Head of Brand Development for EMEA, explored the impact of capturing and sharing a “world’s moment through shared photos.” With 300,000,000 users, Instagram considers its community its strongest asset. Ms Yaverbaum said that users feel there is a real story behind each of their photos.
But even more, they feel the need to TRANSPORT and be TRANSPORTED by pictures on Instagram.
“Go culture” insisted Mark Adams CEO of The Audience.
Through pop culture we have the best way to communicate our messages. It’s ideal for brands to relate to people in popular dialogues.
Toto Ellis of Droga5 pointed out the astonishing fact that 89% of all ads are forgotten. To counter this, brands must have a purpose and a promise about what they offer.
Tesla’s Geneva director Jacques Michel, presented the company’s break through electric connected automobile which some analysts call “a computer on wheels“.
Discussing the importance of digital communications for NGOs, Laure Silacci from “Terre des Hommes” talked about the main objective of NGO’s: information, awareness, advocacy, engagement, and fundraising and how they are enhanced by digital.
Digital is an amazing tool today. To benefit fully from this new technology, brands must listen to their target groups and what they have to say.
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