
Keytrade Bank customer? It’s now or never to…

Author: Brice Le Blévennec

…benefit from the “members get members” (MGM) action we manage for Keytrade Bank. The deal: send an invitation to your friends and ask them to open a bank account at Keytrade Bank. For every person becoming a new customer, you and your relative receive 20 euro as reward on your respective Keytrade Bank accounts. Of course, the more new members you sponsor, the more money you cash in.

The first “MGM” wave, launched last April, was the most successful marketing campaign ever performed by our client who registered not less than 1.700 new customers for a highly competitive acquisition cost. Check out this presentation made by Thibault de Barsy, Sales & Marketing Director at Keytrade Bank, during our latest Emakina Academy:

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